4D Architects

Sakura - Japanese Restaurant, Central Lonon, W1
Poject: Advertisement Consent, Signage Design & Interior Design.
Role: Architect

Change of Use from A5 to A3 Unit

Delicacies - 14 South Street, Isleworth.
Project : Change of use from A5 to A3 unit and to provide extract duct to the rear within the conservation area.
Stage : Planning obtained after months of negotiations on appearance of ducts within conservation area,odour and noise control issues. Tendering in progress.

5 sets of cupboards for coats and lockers

Universal Music Building, South Street, Romford, Essex.
Project : We are selected to provide project management for a 500 Sq. Metre office refurbishment.
This is a 3 week project which require a great deal of planning and organisation.

Rear Entrance - Gable wall treatment to hide high flat roof behind and gives street elevation consistency in terms of the roof profile and materials

High level ceiling provides space for artist's working environment, display of artist work and storage for materials.

Rear Entrance - Gable wall treatment to hide high flat roof behind and gives street elevation consistency in terms of the roof profile and materials
Conversion to an Artist Studio - Teddington
Project : Garage conversion into an artist studio
Stage : Planning obtained after weeks of negotiations on appearance, height, parking, loss of light and privacy issues. Completed in May 2013.